ASCII Special Characters

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ASCII Special Characters

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. Copy the name code or number codes below into your html editor to add the associated Symbol on your site.
Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
† - dagger
‡ - double dagger
♠ - ♠  black spade suit
♣ - ♣  black club suit
♥ - ♥  black heart suit
‾ - ‾  overline (overscore)
← - ←  leftward arrow
↑ - ↑  upward arrow
→ - →  rightward arrow
↓ - ↓  downward arrow
™ - trademark sign
Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
— — em dash
¡ ¡ ¡ inverted exclamation
¢ ¢ ¢ cent sign
£ £ £ pound sterling
¤ ¤ ¤ general currency sign
¥ ¥ ¥ yen sign
¦ or &brkbar; ¦ ¦ broken vertical bar
§ § § section sign
¨ or ¨ ¨ ¨ umlaut
© © © copyright
ª ª ª feminine ordinal
« « « left angle quote
¬ ¬ ¬ not sign
® ® ® registered trademark
¯ or &hibar; ¯ ¯ macron accent
Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
° ° ° degree sign
± ± ± plus or minus
² ² ² superscript two
³ ³ ³ superscript three
´ ´ ´ acute accent
µ µ µ micro sign
¶ ¶ paragraph sign
· · · middle dot
¸ ¸ ¸ cedilla
¹ ¹ ¹ superscript one
º º º masculine ordinal
» » » right angle quote
¼ ¼ ¼ one-fourth
½ ½ ½ one-half
¾ ¾ ¾ three-fourths
¿ ¿ ¿ inverted question mark
À À À uppercase A, grave accent
Á Á Á uppercase A, acute accent
   uppercase A, circumflex accent
Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
à à à uppercase A, tilde
Ä Ä Ä uppercase A, umlaut
Å Å Å uppercase A, ring
Æ Æ Æ uppercase AE
Ç Ç Ç uppercase C, cedilla
È È È uppercase E, grave accent
É É É uppercase E, acute accent
Ê Ê Ê uppercase E, circumflex accent
Ë Ë Ë uppercase E, umlaut
Ì Ì Ì uppercase I, grave accent
Í Í Í uppercase I, acute accent
Î Î Î uppercase I, circumflex accent
Ï Ï Ï uppercase I, umlaut
Ð Ð Ð uppercase Eth, Icelandic
Ñ Ñ Ñ uppercase N, tilde
Ò Ò Ò uppercase O, grave accent
Ó Ó Ó uppercase O, acute accent
Ô Ô Ô uppercase O, circumflex accent
Õ Õ Õ uppercase O, tilde
Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
Ö Ö Ö uppercase O, umlaut
× × × multiplication sign
Ø Ø Ø uppercase O, slash
Ù Ù Ù uppercase U, grave accent
Ú Ú Ú uppercase U, acute accent
Û Û Û uppercase U, circumflex accent
Ü Ü Ü uppercase U, umlaut
Ý Ý Ý uppercase Y, acute accent
Þ Þ Þ uppercase THORN, Icelandic
ß ß ß lowercase sharps, German
à à à lowercase a, grave accent
á á á lowercase a, acute accent
â â â lowercase a, circumflex accent
ã ã ã lowercase a, tilde
ä ä ä lowercase a, umlaut
å å å lowercase a, ring
æ æ æ lowercase ae
ç ç ç lowercase c, cedilla
è è è lowercase e, grave accent
Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
é é é lowercase e, acute accent
ê ê ê lowercase e, circumflex accent
ë ë ë lowercase e, umlaut
ì ì ì lowercase i, grave accent
í í í lowercase i, acute accent
î î î lowercase i, circumflex accent
ï ï ï lowercase i, umlaut
ð ð ð lowercase eth, Icelandic
ñ ñ ñ lowercase n, tilde
ò ò ò lowercase o, grave accent
ó ó ó lowercase o, acute accent
ô ô ô lowercase o, circumflex accent
õ õ õ lowercase o, tilde
ö ö ö lowercase o, umlaut
÷ ÷ ÷ division sign
ø ø ø lowercase o, slash
ù ù ù lowercase u, grave accent
ú ú ú lowercase u, acute accent
û û û lowercase u, circumflex accent
Name Code Number Code Glyph Description
ü ü ü lowercase u, umlaut
ý ý ý lowercase y, acute accent
þ þ þ lowercase thorn, Icelandic
ÿ ÿ ÿ lowercase y, umlaut

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